Feb 11Liked by Louise Haynes

Truly beautiful video and song.

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Hi Tom,

Yes, it is. Apparently, it was very well-known when it came out. I think we need more, creative videos like this one to educate the public about important issues. (Ones that you can dance to in particular!)

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The healing power of music, lyrics and subsequent songs those create, related so beautifully here by you and Shubha Mudgal’s video…. I believe we all have, perhaps not consciously, an ability to self help, we just have to find the inner strength to draw on our resources.

A lovely post Louise which brims full of hope, even for people who have little in life to grasp onto…

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Aye, there's the rub, Susie. Sometimes we are so beaten down that it's hard to see hope. I believe that's where art, music, nature can provide us with something to hold on to, maybe just long enough to lift us to see that we are not alone, that there is someone somewhere who cares about us, in human or animal form.

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