Mann ke manjeere (Rhythm of the Mind)
a song about a strong woman leaving an abusive relationship
Hi all,
Thank you for joining me for today’s song, “Mann ke manjeere (Rhythm of the Mind)”, by Shubha Mudgal (2000). If you’d like to hear the song before you read the background, I’ve included a YouTube video below the article.
Below, you’ll find my interpretation of the lyrics (written in italics). Comments and questions are welcome. For Japanese students, vocabulary words in bold are provided in Japanese below. TOEFL (PBT) 450+, Eiken 2, CEFR B1.
The issue
(586 words)
Today’s song is slightly different from those I usually write about. There is no specific person or historical event. However, there is a social issue. Domestic violence.
I first watched this music video many years ago. The music captivated my attention and, although I know no Hindi, viewing the video made it clear what the song was about.
With a bit of research, I found the Facebook page of the producer, Mallika Dutt. The following is what she writes about the song, adapted for language learners.
Dutt explains that when she was working at the Ford Foundation in New Delhi, she realized that human rights violations were widespread. She wanted to make a positive change by doing something about the root causes of violence before it happened.
A book called “The Artist’s Way” inspired her, and she started thinking about using popular culture to tell different stories. She put together a talented team to create something impactful. The result was a successful music album and video that sparked important conversations about women’s rights in India and globally, especially focusing on the issue of domestic violence.
The video tells the story of a brave woman leaving an abusive marriage and becoming a truck driver. It reached millions of people in South Asia and around the world. Inspired by this project, Mann left her job at Ford and started Breakthrough TV to continue changing culture through culture, emphasizing that human rights start with each individual. She encourages everyone to listen to the amazing music, watch the video, and be part of the journey towards a positive change.
The lyrics
The song begins with a sense of independence and of freedom. The singer has confidence in herself. She has made the right decision.
My mind has begun to play its own rhythm today
My feet, once stilled, are dancing today
A drumbeat pulsates through my being (She’s beginning to feel her own rhythm. Your pulse is the movement of blood through your heart. )
Awakening the music in my soul
Every breath I take is filled with joy
My heart is now singing
I have begun to believe in myself
Her new freedom allows her to see and feel the world around her, perhaps in a way that she had forgotten to see or feel:
I can swing up to the clouds
I can see beyond the horizon
The wind beats against my skin
The fields and sands reach out to me
The rosy light of dawn washes away the darkness of the night
In the next verse, she expresses the peace that she now feels in being alone. If you leave an abusive relationship, it can feel liberating just to be alone. The singer says that because she now has that peace, she is in touch with herself, her purpose, and this makes her realize that she isn’t alone. She has herself (her self) to depend on.
I open my doors to a fresh new world
I bask in my aloneness
Clouds of change envelop (surround) my mind
As solitude comes to me in all her majesty
I see with my eyes the many-hued world (her world now has many colors)
Its seasons beckon (call to her)
I open my eyes, unlock my soul
I find my voice, my soul mate lives within
I am no longer alone
I am my own friend
My own companion am I
I invite you to view the video. As you watch, keep in mind that it was inspired by the true life-story of Shameem Pathan.
Which word or phrase in the song was interesting to you?
If you could make a music video about an important social issue, what would the topic be?
Grammar/pronunciation point
an envelope (n.) | ˈenvəˌlōp, ˈänvəˌlōp | is a folded piece of paper that you put a letter in before mailing it
to envelop (v.) | ənˈveləp | means to surround or to cover
captivate 魅了する
Hindi ヒンディー語
adapt 適応する
human rights violations 人権侵害
widespread 広く普及している
impactful インパクトのある
spark 原動力となる
abusive 虐待的
emphasize 強調する
pulsate 脈動する
I bask in my aloneness 私は孤独に浸る
envelope 中に包み込む
solitude 孤独
many-hued 多彩な
beckon 手招きする
soul mate ソウルメイトとは、2人の間の深い精神的なつながりであり、深い理解と調和を促進します。
companion 仲間
Mallika Dutt’s Facebook page:
The healing power of music, lyrics and subsequent songs those create, related so beautifully here by you and Shubha Mudgal’s video…. I believe we all have, perhaps not consciously, an ability to self help, we just have to find the inner strength to draw on our resources.
A lovely post Louise which brims full of hope, even for people who have little in life to grasp onto…
Truly beautiful video and song.