Mar 12·edited Mar 14Liked by Louise Haynes

And we're seeing this lack of backbone in the international political arena as people in Gaza die and no one stands up to Netanyahu and Biden.

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Yes, Diana, you are right. As is often the case, our "leaders" in democratic countries do not listen to the people who are telling them that a certain course of action is NOT what they want. These voices, many voices, do have an effect. It may take time, but they do have an effect.

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And when they don't listen to us, it begs the question: are we really living in democracies? I know we will all continue to use our voices and push as hard as we can.

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Indeed. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

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A beautiful and sadly relevant song, as Diana indicates below. I am quite familiar with the late great Anne, and have sung with her, and also interviewed her for our former Labor Day music show on WPFW fm radio. But I did not know this song--thanks very much for bringing it forward!

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Wow! You knew her? I think her music is wonderful. What a sad loss to the music community. One of my favorites is her beautiful "Flowers of Auschwitz". I might write about that song one of these days. Keep up the good work, Juliana!

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Oh my goodness, Louise, I am so moved by this song! "Inviting Diane" is the answer to so many issues really. Thank you for introducing me to this! ❤️

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My pleasure.

In grade school, I was the one singing the song. I wasn't very kind to one student in particular. Now, I regret what I did. The only thing I can do is to learn the lesson and change.

We teach children (not) to do certain things. As we grow older, we tend to forget those basic lessons of kindness and fairness. This song is a good reminder, for me, too. 🎵❤️

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