Wonderful article Louise. It is a beautiful piece of history. I live in Woodstock now. Like many, I moved up here from Brooklyn. I love its beauty, mysticism, and rich musical history. I do wish that it lived up to Joni's hopes for it. Like so many. places, the town's legacy is slowly being turned into fancy hotels and t-shirts commemorating values it had no interest in actually keeping alive. It's charm is being mined for dollars. But hey, the restaurants are good!

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Wow, no kidding! You're THERE! Wish I'd been old enough to make the trek across the country to attend. Alas. Yeah, I bet it's become somewhat commercialized. Shame, that. Enjoy the good parts!

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I was not only not old enough but a continent away too… I’ve watched so many clips from Woodstock over the years and still I wish I could have been there, it was a turning of the page in so many respects!

A new favorite Louise!! I still

Listen to Joni Mitchell too! ✌🏽X

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I think a lot of people still listen to her, Susie. I hope that more young people will listen, too. ✌🏽

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