Jun 18Liked by Louise Haynes

The Iraq war was such a tragedy because it was based on a fundamental lie.

All wars are tragic. But war seems to be part of our human nature.

How can we end war if it is so fundamental to our species?

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A good strategy. But would American women and men withhold sex to prevent their partners from going to war.?

It’s hard to imagine that in the current culture of”me first” America.

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A good strategy. But would American women and men withhold sex to prevent their partners from going to war.?

It’s hard to imagine that in the current culture of”me first” America.

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A good strategy. But would American women and men withhold sex to prevent their partners from going to war.?

It’s hard to imagine that in the current culture of”me first” America.

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Jun 19Liked by Louise Haynes

A good strategy. But would American women and men withhold sex to prevent their partners from going to war.?

It’s hard to imagine that in the current culture of”me first” America.

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Aye, there’s the rub, so to speak… It worked in literature but probably not in the real world.🫤

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lol - sorry for the multiple replies. Internet was poor

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What politicians think and what we think will never tally, what politicians want and what we want will never tally. Which, I think is why their existence and power is almost always based on promises that are lies… we cannot win, wars are never won, not in reality, despite that there is always a party that believes it has, the repercussions are countless…

I pray for peace every day Louise, I’m not sure which, or if indeed any god listens to me but I will never ever stop. X

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Wars are "won" by the side that makes the most money, no? Sometimes, that's not even an entity that is part of the conflict.

As long as there are people who refuse to give in, who think there IS an alternative to greed and power, there is hope.

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That’s what I meant… it’s all about money which is so so wrong! Not that war if any kind is right 😔

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