Hi Louise.

Thanks for posting!

I've sung this song at rallies, and it's so easy to adapt to whatever issue people are protesting.

I had no idea it had such deep roots.

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I must have listened to that song on Dylan’s Bootleg series a hundred times or more and never knew it’s origins! Thank you for this Louise, I love what you do here, so often I know the song but have no idea what it’s lyrics are based on! X

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Thank you for reading, Susie. You and I both - all of us - are learning things we never knew before. I love doing this research. Just wish I had more time to devote to it. I'm supposed to be "retired" but have less time now that when I was teaching full-time! And so many books to get to, background reading for many of the songs. There's more to come! x

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Ditto Louise, I work only 24 hours a week teaching now but I am busier than ever before, I’d love more time for reading and research but it has to be squeezed in between the necessities… I always feel my writing is rushed! You do an amazing job, especially with the translations added in, I’d love to add a French translation but the time just isn’t there… one day… I hope! X

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As the song says, we shall overcome some day.

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I hope so!! X

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