“Most importantly, he asks:

Can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends?”

This is it isn’t it? The question of the millenium… this is what I ask myself more often than I would like to.

It seems the human race is hell bent on destruction, at least those in power. I am quite certain that the vast majority of people want the same thing, peace being the most important and yet we are ruled by governments, who brandish the word democracy without ever allowing the system to be just that. We are led into wars, we are forced to accept price rises because of these wars…

It is a rollerball situation… as in the people who are generally peaceful because it’s all they want anyway are forced to fight back, they become angry too, they revolt and heaven help me for saying this because I have never ever been confrontational, I don’t blame them. Far from it…. I would join them!

But that would be my banner… why can’t we all just be friends!

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Ah, Susie, thank you for your comments. You've hit the nail on the head (again).

I've lived in several countries now, and I've observed what you wrote above. Most people want a home, people to love and who love them, a good job, enough food, good health care, and some free time. Why does that have to be so difficult? Why do the riches have to go to the top?

You're right in that most peaceful people don't want to fight until they're backed into a corner and see no alternative. That's the way it's been for years and years. x

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