Aug 28Liked by Louise Haynes

Just last night I asked my husband if he is afraid when he walks around outside of our (suburban but rural feeling) home at night. He said “no, what would I be afraid of?” and I said “animals and people who might be lurking?” And he said the scariest animal he encountered the night before was Pepe (La pew, what we call all skunks) and that he did have to be careful not to scare him so he wouldn’t get sprayed. So I said “what about people? Like dudes who lurk in the dark?” And he laughed and said no. And I said, “it must be nice to be a man.” 🙄😳

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We take so many things for granted. 🫤

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For anyone interested, here’s some information on the origins of the Take Back the Night movement: http://tbtnannarbor.org/about/history-of-take-back-the-night/

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29Liked by Louise Haynes

Louise, to me the standout phrase in this piece is the fantastic, "We are the ones," Indeed to this. Hope you're well this week? Cheers, -Thalia

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I always feel safe here on my hill Louise, at least I do if I don't hear the telltale grunt of a wild boar!

I worry for the safety of my daughter though, living in a big city where she uses the metro late at night, I can never sleep if I know she's out anywhere - not until she sends me a text to say she's home. Thankfully I don't always know when she's out, I'd never sleep otherwise.

It is a great sadness to me that we must feel worry about such things though... no matter where, or who or when.

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I understand your nervousness, Susie. Indeed, this is an issue that affects everyone.

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