I remember hearing about this tragic story Louise, my husband and I were arguing over something which suddenly seemed such a pettiness compared to Rachel’s goodness and bravery that I stopped and walked away. Sometimes we just don’t realise how lucky we are do we… and none of us know what the next day holds… Rachel was one of the few who acted on her heart but she payed dearly…. It’s always the good people isn’t it?

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Yes, it was a tragedy. And yes, she stood up for what she believed in. And, there are many, many more good people who do the same.

"Hold your loved ones tight" is a line from a Christmas song by Elvis Presley. When you have differences with someone, what is the most important thing, what you disagree on or what that person means to you. No, it doesn't always work, not by a long shot. But coming back to the fundamental preciousness of those we love can help.

We are not alone in wanting to create -- and actually creating -- a better world, Susie. Just knowing that gives me a tiny bit of solace. x

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Jul 5Liked by Louise Haynes

What a wonderful tribute to a phenomenally courageous and committed human being. She was such an inspiration and her story so rarely told. Speaking truth to power always carries such enormous risks and she was brave enough to take it - God Bless her soul.

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I agree wholeheartedly, Mark.

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