I'd like to see the truth told in history books. Thanks for posting, Louise.

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Dear Louise,

Another straightforward example of Social Issues in Song! You have no shortage of great songs like this for your newsletter, don't you?

Thank you for your background explanation. I listened to the two versions of the song before reading your explanation. As you guessed it right, I had no idea about the "two men." Now I know. Thank you.

Mitsuru Hiki

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The sad truth behind every war ever fought has rarely been written in a truthful and factual way… the words are always swayed one way or another, usually depending on the author… and invariably it is the natives of the land who speak the highest truth… which is always always one of utter horror…

I had not idea of the statistics you state, so sad and shocking - almost like an ethnic cleansing…😔

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You're right of course, Susie. The people on the receiving end of the stick have a very different experience of someone else's "Shock and Awe" "Operation XXX Freedom", etc., on and on. (On a related note, I recall someone once saying, "You can't have McDonald's without McDonnel Douglas.")

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Yes!!! Ive heard this quote too, how true though, how very scary!

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