Louise this is terribly sad and certainly not an isolated incident - I will never understand homophobia, segregation, racism… neither will I understand those narrow minded enough to practice it… 💔

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Agreed. There are far, far too many cases. The anniversary of the 2016 Pulse shooting in Orlando was just this week on the 12th. How is it that a society creates people who think this way?

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Do you think it is society or a defect of character at birth Louise? Society certainly aggravates those who were likely born with these tendencies, this I believe but we are all influenced by society in one way or another, we don’t all (thank goodness) act on a feeling of hatred in such a brutal way.

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Nature vs. nurture. I agree that some people could be born with a predisposition toward violence, but I think the social environment (a family’s values, religious teachings, community pressure, addiction, one’s self-esteem, gov’t urging of violence, etc.) contributes more toward taking violent action.

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