Jul 17Liked by Louise Haynes

Mandela was one of a kind. It's hard to imagine his kind of leadership in a world where there's no going back.

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I remember the day Nelson Mandela was released in 1990, I was in a backpackers hostel in Sydney just preparing to leave for the next leg of my journey to NZ. The joy of this news caused a night of festivities on the streets in the suburbs where I was staying, many people were in tears but all were smiling and laughing too - the relief was contagious, a domino effect almost…

I will never forget that night. Mandela was a great man, his wife perhaps an even greater woman for having continued in his beliefs tirelessly for the 27 years he was locked away…

I’m so glad you included this Louise.!🙏🏽xx

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Yes, Winnie was right there in the fight all along. What a strong, tireless woman!

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the world needs more women like her though Louise.. many many more!

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