May 12Liked by Louise Haynes

These lessons are amazing. So informative for all of us. Thank you !

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Thank YOU, Julia, for reading!

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Thank you, Louise, for sharing informative newsletters every week. I learn a lot.

I did not know anything about the Haymarket Riot in Chicago back in 1886, but reading your newsletters and following what's happening in the world, even I am beginning to see a universal, timeless pattern in which a peaceful rally turns into a violent, oppressive fight. It seems the same thing is happening now here and there (almost everywhere) in the world.

On a lighter note, I did not know that on average Americans work 204 hours more than people in Japan.

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Thank you for your comments, Mitsuru.

I didn't know anything about the Haymarket Riot, either, until I started reading history in order to understand songs. Like most things, the more you read, the more connections you can make between historical events and the more parallels you can draw.

Recently, I've been reading more about the Spanish Civil War. Many of the divisions that led up to the conflict and the way it played out are occurring in several places around the planet. I just hope we can be smart about our choices this time.

Re: the hours of work, since the bubble burst in the 1990s along with COVID, Japan's work world has changed quite a bit. Companies can't afford to exact as many hours from the employees (although unpaid overtime is not unusual). Americans are finding it hard to live on one income, so they have two ore even three jobs just to make ends meet, which is not sustainable in the long run. With prices rising rapidly and the problem with the yen, do you think that more Japanese will have to start working two jobs?

There was an article in the Japan Times today (from Bloomberg) about a white paper that reported, "The white paper also pointed out that the labor productivity of Japan is lower than that of other members in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development". The article didn't mention any other details, so we are left with many questions. Is that due to fewer hours of work per year or solely from the lack of workers or some other reason? (https://www.japantimes.co.jp/business/2024/05/12/small-firms-raising-wages/).

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This type of thing is interesting to me but I have no doubt that it really bothers some locals that I am interested in that area. History seems to repeat itself...it's rather sad if you ask me. Some seem to love the idea of allowing harm and staying silent about it. I don't think harm should be ignored though. Personally, I have over 20yrs experience in volunteer work. I could go on and on about my health as I was never in the health to work full-time and I was never paid for the work that I did do. Due to that I know very little about actual 9 to 5 jobs. I was taught that money is evil. I was constantly reminded that my parents grew up knowing to speak only when spoken to, etc. which often made me wonder if they thought that is how I should think. I work on my site https:www.angelasartarea.com and try to create awareness of multiple different issues in society. I never have been one to stay silent on certain matters and was always blunt in how I believe. Sadly, some people seem to attack that if they can, while others seem interested in it...etc. Some locals tend to say that my speaking up on issues that should be addressed is my having an "attack" when in actuality many people have opinions and it's not having an attack to express them. It's having courage... I know that my having to take medications in order to live, etc. makes speaking up a bigger risk for me but I also know that I couldn't live with myself if I weren't willing to at least TRY to speak up. The way I speak up is in my art...it's explained here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZptPQEgdiM&t=4s Although that was a free event, I nolonger attend because I don't believe that I was treated as other artists showing at the Jepson Center but someone who isn't thought of as professional. I can't actually make money off of my art if I'm never thought of as a professional. I have worked for years on my art. Today people can be paid monthly if they know how to set that up. I do because I have studied for years in order to learn what is needed to do so. Technology is stoping me from making money from my experience so that I can not gain the freedom of choice. I can pay someone to give me rides, I can pay to do my laundry, etc. I can pay for my freedom. I don't understand if this is TRULY the Land of the Free why people like me aren't free!? The government actually only allows some to save up $2000.00 and no more. $2000.00 does not even pay for a months rent. Let alone food, etc. that people need to live. This is why I want to make money off of the experience that I have. A.I. can give me that freedom. The government will not have a say so if I gain that freedom. I won't have to worry that they'll take my ability to pay for food away because I'll make what is needed myself. I also sang a song on that same stage but noone came to it. I later sang the same song and made a video myself based on it that can be found https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--hdG4GY6Ew Only someone who I knew played for me when I sang that same song on-stage years ago. Sadly she moved away... I sang another song standing up for different social issues that was recently published and can be found https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzGTniArm_c Guess those my ancestors helped to set free don't believe that I'm just as worthy of that freedom. *Shrugs* Anyway, interesting read... hope that I haven't gone on to much I tend to do that on certain matters but know that I can not be the only person dealing with this sort of issue. It's distressing because everyone cannot deal correctly.

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Hi Angela, everyone has her own way of contributing to making the world a better place. I wish you well on your path.

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