Dear Louise,

You've seen the original painting? That's great.

I didn't know that to “be in store” means “about to happen.” Thank you.

The part "Shed the light on our indifference" makes me think. True. Indifference is not good, but with so many problems in need of attention at home, at work, in my country or in the world, what problems should I seriously pay attention to and take some action myself. That has been a difficult question for me.


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Thank you for your comments, Mitsuru.

You ask a very important philosophical question. I believe that each person has to answer that for her/himself.

For me, I do what I can, where I am, with what I have. I have to know what's happening in the world, but I also have to recognize that there are limits to my abilities, be they physical, financial, or psychological. I pay attention when shopping, buying local produce instead of imported, not buying what I don't need, making things last as long as possible. I sign petitions when I can and make donations to organization like Doctors Without Borders, etc.

I wonder, what do others who are reading this do? 🤔💭

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